Health Benefits of Feverfew - Healthcare

 Healthcare Benefits of Feverfew, Uses, Preparation and Side effects  

Feverfew is a bushy and herbaceous perennial that grows from a branched and tapering root to produce erect, round and slightly grooved stems. The feathery, aromatic, and bitter-tasting leaves are arranged alternately along the length of the many-branched stem.

They are a yellow-green, stalked, and bipinnate with deeply cut, toothed segments in an oval shape. Flowers bloom in mid to late-summer in flat-topped clusters at the end of stems that may reach to a height of 3feets (1 m). 

Smaller than daisies and without the protruding central disk of chamomile, feverfew blossoms have yellow centers consisting of tightly bunched tubular florets surrounded by creamy white rays. Bees seem to avoid feverfew, deterred by its pungent aroma. The plant self-seeds freely and thrives in full sun or partial shade in most soil.

Healthcare Benefits of Feverfew, Uses

Here are some few healthcare benefits of Feverfew?

Feverfew for migraine and headache

Among many uses of feverfew, the herb has become a popular and proven herbal remedy for the treatment of migraine headaches. 

With frequent use, over time, feverfew can reduce the frequency, severity, and duration of migraine headaches and allay nausea and vomiting. It is most effective when used as a preventative. 

Alternative treatment for back pain - Healthcare

 Causes, Natural and Herbal Remedies

Most back pain is preceded by overwork or an injury; it is sometimes caused by inactivity, muscle spasms, or inflammation. Back pain may also arise from different causes – from prolapsed disc to a diseased vertebra requiring hospital treatment. 

If it is pain in the upper spine and right shoulder: investigate for gallstones for your good healthcare. 

A lot of people suffer chronic back pain because of an enzyme defect in the blood. Such defect is the cause of an inability to clear fibrin, a protein which repairs damaged tissue.

In all cases; rest as much as you can to speed healing, and be sure to see your doctor if the pain is severe or if it is accompanied by numbness, tingling, or incontinence.

For good healthcare, the following alternative treatment can be applied for back pain:

How to make Passionflower–Blue Vervain Tea as alternative treatment for backpain:

Both passionflower and blue vervain relax the nervous system and soothe sore muscles. This is a deeply relaxing blend, so be sure to take it when you have  some time to rest.

  • Take one (1) cup boiling water
  • Take one (1) teaspoon dried passionflower
  • Take one (1) teaspoon dried blue vervain

Pour the boiling water into a large mug. Add the dried herbs, cover the mug, and allow the tea to steep for 10 minutes.

Relax and drink the tea slowly. Repeat up to two times per day.

Precautions: Do not use passionflower or blue vervain during pregnancy. Avoid passionflower if you have prostate problems or baldness.

How to make Ginger-Peppermint Salve as alternative treatment for back pain:

Ginger and peppermint contain potent constituents that penetrate the skin, creating a warming sensation that promotes muscle relaxation. This salve will remain fresh for up to a year when stored in a cool, dark place.

Ginger-Peppermint Salve

  • Take one (1) cup of light olive oil
  • take one (1) ounce chopped dried gingerroot, 
  • Take one (1) ounce crushed dried peppermint, 
  • Take one (1) ounce beeswax

In a slow cooker, combine the olive oil, ginger, and peppermint. Select the lowest heat setting, cover the slow cooker, and allow the herbs to steep in the oil for 3 to 5 hours. Turn off the heat and allow the infused oil to cool.

Bring an inch or so of water to a simmer in the base of a double boiler.

Drape a piece of cheesecloth over the upper half of the double boiler. Pour in the infused oil, then wring and twist the cheesecloth until no more oil comes out. Discard the cheesecloth and spent herbs.

Add the beeswax to the infused oil and place the double boiler on the base.

Gently warm over low heat. When the beeswax melts completely, remove the pan from the heat. Quickly pour the mixture into clean, dry jars or tins and allow it to cool completely before capping.

Using your fingers or a cotton cosmetic pad, apply one (1) teaspoon to the affected area, massaging well. Use a little more or less as needed. Repeat the treatment up to four times per day.

Precautions: Do not use ginger if you take prescription blood thinners, have gallbladder disease, or have a bleeding disorder.

Using of “Whole in One” Tea as alternative treatment for back pain:

You can mix, equal parts of: 

  • Hops, Valerian, Buchu, one to two (1-2) teaspoons to each cup boiling water:  
  • infuse it for15 minutes; 
  • and take one (1) cup 2-3 times daily. 

Pinch Cayenne pepper can also enhances action.

To make a Decoction.

You can mix, equal parts: 

  • Valerian, Juniper, Black Cohosh. Two (2) teaspoons each to the cup water simmered gently for 20 minutes; 
  • and take half cup 2-3 times daily.

The Powders. To alleviate low backache accompanying fluid retention. Use 

  • Dandelion leaf 60grams. 
  • Uva Ursi 15grams. 
  • Couch Grass 15grams. 
  • Buchu 10grams. 

Take half a teaspoon after meals thrice daily: children over 12 years can also use it.

For topical treatment for back pain, Use: 

  • Analgesic cream, 
  • Olbas oil, 
  • Golden Fire, 
  • Stiff Neck Salve, 
  • Epsom salts soaks.

For aromatherapy

  • You can mix essential oils, 
  • Rosemary one (1) drop, 
  • Juniper one (1) drop, 
  • Thyme two (2) drops: 
  • Two (2) teaspoons of Almond oil can also be added. 

After massage, wrap affected area with damp hot towel.

Diet to be observed as alternative treatment for back pain include:

  • Eat High fibre, 
  • Low salt, 
  • Low fat, 
  • Dandelion coffee.

Supplements to take for back pain include:

  • Vitamin B-complex, 
  • Niacin, 
  • Vitamins C, E. 
  • Dolomite. 
  • Evening Primrose oil capsules. 
  • Two Garlic capsules at night. 
  • Chiropractic. 
  • Osteopathy.

Health benefits of thyme - Healthcare

Thyme: || Uses and side effect

Thyme: || Uses and side effect

What is thyme?

Thyme is one of the classic herbs in Mediterranean cuisine that dates back to ancient times. It was used to both flavor food and prevent it from spoiling. 

Thyme has tiny, narrow, gray-green leaves that grow in opposite pairs on the square, woody stems. The edges of the stalkless, slightly hairy leaves are rolled inward. 

The blossoms may be white to rose colored or a blue to purple hue, depending on the species and variety. Flowers are tiny and tubular and grow in terminal clusters up to 6 in (15.2 cm) long. 

Flowering time is mid-summer. Seeds are minuscule and abundant. Thyme thrives in sunny locations on dry, stony banks and heaths. The aromatic herb attracts bees that produce a uniquely flavored honey from the herb. It also acts to repel whiteflies.

How to use thyme for our good healthcare

Thyme has been known since ancient times for its magical, culinary, and medicinal virtues. Tradition held that an infusion of thyme taken as a tea on midsummer’s eve would enable one to see the fairies dancing. 

Young women wore a corsage of blossoming thyme to signal their availability for romance. The generic name may have been inspired by one of thyme’s traditional attributes. 

Greek men particularly liked the pungent scent of thyme and would rub the herb on their chests. 

The Roman people believed that adding thyme to bath water would impart energy. They also included thyme in bedding to chase melancholy and to prevent nightmares. 

The strong scent of thyme was employed as a moth repellent, and burned as fumigating incense.

How to make Thyme to Settle Tea for good healthcare 

  • One to two (1–2) teaspoons dried thyme, crumbled
  • One (1) cup boiling water
  • Pour the water over the herb. Steep for 10 minutes and strain.

A tincture of thyme can also ease digestive complaints. Take one half to one teaspoon up to three times a day. 

Health benefits of thyme settle tea

The antispasmodic properties of thyme that aid digestive problems also make it useful to ease menstrual cramps. 

The following tea helps to reduce the discomforts of PMS, too. Because thyme contains a number of minerals including iron, it is beneficial at the end of a menstrual period as well as during menopause.

How to make Soothing Thyme Tea for Women' healthcare

  • One (1) teaspoon dried lemon balm leaves, crumbled
  • Half (½) teaspoon dried thyme leaves, crumbled
  • Half (½) teaspoon dried marjoram leaves, crumbled
  • One (1) cup boiling water

Combine the herbs and pour the water over them. Steep for ten (10) to twenty (20) minutes and strain.

Health benefits of soothing thyme tea

Thyme is useful for a range of respiratory problems including chest colds, wet coughs, hay fever, sinusitis, sore throat, and tonsillitis. 

Its warming and drying properties aid in clearing congestion. For a respiratory tea, combine equal amounts of thyme and sage. 

Thyme medicinal honey can soothe the throat and help expel mucus. Brew a tea with just thyme to use as a mouthwash and gargle, which will fight throat infection as well as gingivitis and bad breath. 

Thyme soothes inflamed mucous membranes and brings relief from asthma attacks.

Make a tea with equal amounts of marjoram and lavender to drink or to use for a warm compress for the chest. Not only does this herb fight infection, it also provides support for the immune system.

Like many herbs, thyme eases headaches as well as migraines. Make a mild tea with 1 teaspoon of thyme and 1 cup of water. The tea can also be used for a compress on the temples or neck to relieve a tension headache. Make a stronger infusion to relieve a hangover headache.

Thyme’s antibacterial and antifungal properties make it useful in treating boils and sties. Brew a strong tea and carefully dab it on with a cotton swab. 

Add the tea to a foot soak to relieve athlete’s foot. It can also be used to make a warm compress to decrease discomfort and fight infection of an earache. 

A thyme tincture will disinfect and help heal cuts. Also, try an infusion for the bath to heal irritated or rough skin.

Health benefits and uses of thyme Essential Oils

There are a number of thyme essential oils. The one discussed here is called Thymus vulgaris CT linalool. This essential oil ranges from clear to pale yellow.

It has a herbaceous and slightly sweet scent.

It is important to know a little about thyme essential oils. The first distillation of thyme produces an oil called “red” thyme. 

This is because the color can be reddish, reddish-brown, or reddish-orange. Distilling the plant material a second time results in white thyme oil, which is clear or pale yellow. 

Also, the chemical constituents of thyme vary widely according to where it is grown, which is why you will find many types of thyme oils. 

They are designated with “CT” meaning chemotype. Thyme has about six or seven chemotypes, each with different therapeutic properties. 

I suggest using Thymus vulgaris CT linalool, which is known to be more gentle. Designated as one of the “white” thyme oils, it is often used for people who are sensitive to the stronger types.

During flu season, use the essential oil in a diffuser to disinfect a sickroom.

Used as an inhalant, thyme can soothe the inflammation and ease the discomfort of sinus infections. 

Place a few drops of the essential oil in a clean bottle to use as a nasal inhaler, or increase the potency by mixing it with hyssop and peppermint. Without touching the bottle to your nose, take a couple of deep inhalations. 

Repeat in a half hour to an hour. The combination of these three herbs, or just thyme on its own, works well as a steam inhalation, too.

Clear the Congestion Thyme Inhaler 2 drops thyme essential oil

  • Two (2) drops hyssop essential oil
  • One (1) drop peppermint essential oil

Combine the oils in a small bottle with a tight lid. Thyme helps to reduce the inflammation and irritation of acne, eczema, and psoriasis. 

Mix it with a carrier oil to use on the skin or combine it with lemon balm to make a salve.

How to make Healing Thyme Salve for our good healthcare

  • Half (½) cup jojoba or beeswax
  • One (1) cup sweet almond carrier oil
  • Half (½) cup borage carrier oil 1 teaspoon lemon balm essential oil
  • One (1) teaspoon thyme essential oil

Place the jojoba or beeswax in a mason jar in a saucepan of water. Warm over low heat until it begins to melt; add the carrier oil. 

Stir gently for about fifteen (15) minutes. Remove from heat, add the essential oils and stir. Test the thickness by placing a little on a plate and letting it cool in the fridge for a minute or two. 

If you want it firmer, add more jojoba or beeswax. If it’s too thick, add a tiny bit of oil. Let it cool and then store in a cool, dark place.

This herb’s anti-inflammatory properties also work well in a massage oil to reduce the muscle and joint pain of arthritis and the discomfort of sciatica.

Additionally, try it as a bath soak with sea or Epsom salts.

Thyme can also be used to relieve scabies. Apply it on its own in a carrier oil or mix equal amounts of thyme and lavender and dab it on the affected areas.

Precautions to take in using thyme

Very small amounts of thyme used in culinary preparations are generally safe. In large amounts, thyme acts as a uterine stimulant. 

Pregnant women should not use the herb, tincture, or the essential oil of thyme.

Excessive use of the undiluted essential oil is toxic.

If the oil is ingested, it may cause gastrointestinal distress such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

Other adverse toxic effects may include headache, muscular weakness, and dizziness. 

The oil of thyme may act to slow the heartbeat, depress respiration, and lower body temperature. Applied externally in undiluted form the essential oil may cause skin irritation.

The oil should be diluted before use.

Side effects of thyme

The U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has rated thyme as ‘‘food safe.’’ The PDR For Herbal Medicine lists ‘‘No health hazards or side effects’’ when the herb is properly administered in designated therapeutic dosages.

Alternative treatments for dandruff - Healthcare

 Causes, Symptoms, Natural and Herbal treatment

Dandruff is a natural and harmless scalp condition in which the shedding of dead skin cells occurs at an unusually fast rate. 

Dandruff occurs when the fine cells of the outer layer of skin on the scalp are shed at a faster rate than normal, causing the characteristic flakes of dead skin.

Causes and symptoms of dandruff

The disorder of the sebaceous glands causes dandruff. If too little sebum is secreted the hair is dry and dandruff appears as white flakes; if too much  sebum is produced the hair is greasy, and the dandruff yellow. 

In the other hand the cause of dandruff can be attributed to the overgrowth of skin cells that make up the scalp. 

Scientists have suggested that dandruff may be a hypersensitive reaction to the proliferation of Pityrosporum ovale, a yeast that occurs naturally on the scalp. 

It is not known what accelerates this cell growth but the following problems tend to aggravate dandruff:

  • Cold weather
  • Dry indoor heating
  •  Stress (physical or emotional)
  •  Food allergies
  •  Nutritional deficiencies (B-complex vitamins or omega-3 fatty acids)
  • Use of hair spray and gels
  • Use of hair-coloring chemicals
  • Use of electric hair curlers or blow dryers

For good healthcare, the following alternative treatments for dandruff can be observed

Alternative treatments for dandruff include nutritional therapy, herbal therapy, relaxation therapy, Aromatherapy and Homeopathy.

Let's start with Nutritional therapy

For the sake of your good healthcare use the follow these nutritional changes:

Avoid potential allergenic foods.

 Put a limitation on the intake of milk and other dairy products, seafoods and fatty treats.

 Reduce animal proteins and eating mostly whole grains, fresh vegetables, beans and fruit.

Increase your intake of the following 

  • Selenium, 
  • Vitamin E, 
  • Vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, 
  • Zinc.

 Avoiding citrus until dandruff clears.

 Diet supplemented with B-complex vitamins, which may alleviate dandruff condition.

 Avoidance of 

  • Salt, 
  • Sugar, and 
  • Alcohol.

 You can taking 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil per day; because flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may be effective in treating a variety of skin conditions including dandruff.

Herbal therapy/ Herbal treatment as alternative treatment for dandruff

Massaging tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) into the scalp may help prevent or relieve dandruff.

The use of Rosemary as alternative treatment for dandruff

Rosemary improve circulation to the scalp. Rosemary is the herb of choice, taken internally as a tea and used as an application.

For dry hair, rub rosemary-infused oil into the scalp before washing. 

For greasy hair, add rosemary vinegar or a few drops of rosemary essential oil to the rinsing water.

Take a combination of the herbs burdock, kelp, and heartsease internally to improve the general condition of the scalp.

How to make rosemary Conditioner as alternative treatment for dandruff

This very simple antifungal remedy combines a natural, unscented conditioner designed for your specific hair type with rosemary essential oil, which is highly concentrated and wonderfully fragrant. If you don’t have rosemary essential oil, you can use tincture in its place.

  • Take one (1) cup of natural, unscented herbal conditioner like Stonybrook Botanicals and 
  • 40 drops rosemary essential oil

In a large bowl, combine the conditioner with the essential oil, using a whisk or a fork to blend well. Use a funnel to transfer it to a BPA-free plastic bottle with a squeeze top.

After shampooing, apply a nickel-size dollop of conditioner to your scalp, using a little more or less as needed to cover it completely. 

Wait two (2) to five (5) minutes, then rinse the conditioner out with cool water. Style your hair as usual. Use daily for best results.


Do not use rosemary if you have epilepsy.

How to make Echinacea Spray as alternative treatment for dandruff

Echinacea attacks candida, which is often to blame in severe cases of dandruff, and witch hazel helps put a stop to the itching. 

If your scalp is damaged from itching, the witch hazel will help it heal for your good healthcare. This spray stays fresh for up to a year in the refrigerator.

  • Take one (1) cup of witch hazel
  • Take two (2) tablespoons Echinacea tincture

In a dark-colored glass bottle with a spray top, combine the ingredients and shake gently to blend completely.


Apply one (1) or two (2) spritzes to each part of your scalp where dandruff is a concern. Massage the spray in with your fingertips, then brush or comb your hair. 

You can style your hair as usual and leave the spray in all day if you like, or you can leave it in for one (1) to two (2) hours and then shampoo it out. Use daily for best results.


Do not use Echinacea if you have an autoimmune disorder or are allergic to ragweed.

Relaxation therapies as alternative treatment for dandruff

Relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga may help relieve stress, which exacerbates dandruff.

Allopathic treatment for dandruff

There is no cure for this natural harmless skin condition. Because a greasy scalp is associated with dandruff condition, more frequent hair washing using regular shampoo is usually all that is needed. In more severe cases, medicated shampoo may be necessary.

The two most commonly used anti-dandruff shampoos are selenium sulfide and zinc pyrithione.

To get the best result, one should leave the shampoo on for as long as possible.

Products containing salicylic acid and sulfur are reserved for more severe cases. Salicylic acid loosens the dead skin cells so that they can be sloughed off more easily. Sometimes, antibacterial shampoos are used to reduce bacteria on the scalp.

Recently, antifungal products, such as ketoconazole (Nizoral) shampoos, are available over-the-counter (1% preparation) and by prescription (2% preparation).

These products may be helpful if dandruff is not relieved by other shampoo treatments.

The most severe and recalcitrant dandruff conditions may require tar shampoos. These shampoos reduce the growth of top skin cells on the scalp. 

It is recommended that the shampoo be left on the hair for at least 10 minutes for best results. 

Coal tar shampoos can be messy and can stain blond or white hair. Coal tar also can be carcinogenic (causing cancer).

Because anti-dandruff shampoos may lose effectiveness after a while, it may be helpful to rotate between a medicated shampoo and a regular shampoo or try a different type of anti-dandruff shampoo.

Aromatherapy  as alternative treatment for dandruff

Rosemary, cedarwood, tea tree, or patchouli can be massaged into the scalp, added to unscented shampoos, and used in the final rinse when washing your hair.

Dilute lavender oil in a little almond or coconut oil and massage into the scalp to eliminate dandruff.

Homeopathy as alternative treatment for dandruff

Constitutional treatment may be useful, but the following remedies may help:

  • Arsenicum, for a dry, sensitive, hot scalp with bare patches of skin.
  • Nat. mur., for a white crust around the hairline, and greasy hair.
  • Fluoric acid, for flaky scalp and hair loss.
  • Graphites, for a moist scalp with smelly crusting.
  • Sulfur, for thick dandruff which is itchier at night.
  • Sepia, for moist, greasy scalp, which is sensitive around the ears.

How to prevent dandruff

Preventive measures include regular hair washing, reducing stress, eating healthy foods and increasing humidity inside the house. 

In addition, excessive use of hair curlers, hair sprays and gels, and frequent hair coloring should be avoided. 

These tend to irritate the scalp and may worsen dandruff.