Alternative treatments for dandruff - Healthcare

 Causes, Symptoms, Natural and Herbal treatment

Dandruff is a natural and harmless scalp condition in which the shedding of dead skin cells occurs at an unusually fast rate. 

Dandruff occurs when the fine cells of the outer layer of skin on the scalp are shed at a faster rate than normal, causing the characteristic flakes of dead skin.

Causes and symptoms of dandruff

The disorder of the sebaceous glands causes dandruff. If too little sebum is secreted the hair is dry and dandruff appears as white flakes; if too much  sebum is produced the hair is greasy, and the dandruff yellow. 

In the other hand the cause of dandruff can be attributed to the overgrowth of skin cells that make up the scalp. 

Scientists have suggested that dandruff may be a hypersensitive reaction to the proliferation of Pityrosporum ovale, a yeast that occurs naturally on the scalp. 

It is not known what accelerates this cell growth but the following problems tend to aggravate dandruff:

  • Cold weather
  • Dry indoor heating
  •  Stress (physical or emotional)
  •  Food allergies
  •  Nutritional deficiencies (B-complex vitamins or omega-3 fatty acids)
  • Use of hair spray and gels
  • Use of hair-coloring chemicals
  • Use of electric hair curlers or blow dryers

For good healthcare, the following alternative treatments for dandruff can be observed

Alternative treatments for dandruff include nutritional therapy, herbal therapy, relaxation therapy, Aromatherapy and Homeopathy.

Let's start with Nutritional therapy

For the sake of your good healthcare use the follow these nutritional changes:

Avoid potential allergenic foods.

 Put a limitation on the intake of milk and other dairy products, seafoods and fatty treats.

 Reduce animal proteins and eating mostly whole grains, fresh vegetables, beans and fruit.

Increase your intake of the following 

  • Selenium, 
  • Vitamin E, 
  • Vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, 
  • Zinc.

 Avoiding citrus until dandruff clears.

 Diet supplemented with B-complex vitamins, which may alleviate dandruff condition.

 Avoidance of 

  • Salt, 
  • Sugar, and 
  • Alcohol.

 You can taking 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil per day; because flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may be effective in treating a variety of skin conditions including dandruff.

Herbal therapy/ Herbal treatment as alternative treatment for dandruff

Massaging tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) into the scalp may help prevent or relieve dandruff.

The use of Rosemary as alternative treatment for dandruff

Rosemary improve circulation to the scalp. Rosemary is the herb of choice, taken internally as a tea and used as an application.

For dry hair, rub rosemary-infused oil into the scalp before washing. 

For greasy hair, add rosemary vinegar or a few drops of rosemary essential oil to the rinsing water.

Take a combination of the herbs burdock, kelp, and heartsease internally to improve the general condition of the scalp.

How to make rosemary Conditioner as alternative treatment for dandruff

This very simple antifungal remedy combines a natural, unscented conditioner designed for your specific hair type with rosemary essential oil, which is highly concentrated and wonderfully fragrant. If you don’t have rosemary essential oil, you can use tincture in its place.

  • Take one (1) cup of natural, unscented herbal conditioner like Stonybrook Botanicals and 
  • 40 drops rosemary essential oil

In a large bowl, combine the conditioner with the essential oil, using a whisk or a fork to blend well. Use a funnel to transfer it to a BPA-free plastic bottle with a squeeze top.

After shampooing, apply a nickel-size dollop of conditioner to your scalp, using a little more or less as needed to cover it completely. 

Wait two (2) to five (5) minutes, then rinse the conditioner out with cool water. Style your hair as usual. Use daily for best results.


Do not use rosemary if you have epilepsy.

How to make Echinacea Spray as alternative treatment for dandruff

Echinacea attacks candida, which is often to blame in severe cases of dandruff, and witch hazel helps put a stop to the itching. 

If your scalp is damaged from itching, the witch hazel will help it heal for your good healthcare. This spray stays fresh for up to a year in the refrigerator.

  • Take one (1) cup of witch hazel
  • Take two (2) tablespoons Echinacea tincture

In a dark-colored glass bottle with a spray top, combine the ingredients and shake gently to blend completely.


Apply one (1) or two (2) spritzes to each part of your scalp where dandruff is a concern. Massage the spray in with your fingertips, then brush or comb your hair. 

You can style your hair as usual and leave the spray in all day if you like, or you can leave it in for one (1) to two (2) hours and then shampoo it out. Use daily for best results.


Do not use Echinacea if you have an autoimmune disorder or are allergic to ragweed.

Relaxation therapies as alternative treatment for dandruff

Relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga may help relieve stress, which exacerbates dandruff.

Allopathic treatment for dandruff

There is no cure for this natural harmless skin condition. Because a greasy scalp is associated with dandruff condition, more frequent hair washing using regular shampoo is usually all that is needed. In more severe cases, medicated shampoo may be necessary.

The two most commonly used anti-dandruff shampoos are selenium sulfide and zinc pyrithione.

To get the best result, one should leave the shampoo on for as long as possible.

Products containing salicylic acid and sulfur are reserved for more severe cases. Salicylic acid loosens the dead skin cells so that they can be sloughed off more easily. Sometimes, antibacterial shampoos are used to reduce bacteria on the scalp.

Recently, antifungal products, such as ketoconazole (Nizoral) shampoos, are available over-the-counter (1% preparation) and by prescription (2% preparation).

These products may be helpful if dandruff is not relieved by other shampoo treatments.

The most severe and recalcitrant dandruff conditions may require tar shampoos. These shampoos reduce the growth of top skin cells on the scalp. 

It is recommended that the shampoo be left on the hair for at least 10 minutes for best results. 

Coal tar shampoos can be messy and can stain blond or white hair. Coal tar also can be carcinogenic (causing cancer).

Because anti-dandruff shampoos may lose effectiveness after a while, it may be helpful to rotate between a medicated shampoo and a regular shampoo or try a different type of anti-dandruff shampoo.

Aromatherapy  as alternative treatment for dandruff

Rosemary, cedarwood, tea tree, or patchouli can be massaged into the scalp, added to unscented shampoos, and used in the final rinse when washing your hair.

Dilute lavender oil in a little almond or coconut oil and massage into the scalp to eliminate dandruff.

Homeopathy as alternative treatment for dandruff

Constitutional treatment may be useful, but the following remedies may help:

  • Arsenicum, for a dry, sensitive, hot scalp with bare patches of skin.
  • Nat. mur., for a white crust around the hairline, and greasy hair.
  • Fluoric acid, for flaky scalp and hair loss.
  • Graphites, for a moist scalp with smelly crusting.
  • Sulfur, for thick dandruff which is itchier at night.
  • Sepia, for moist, greasy scalp, which is sensitive around the ears.

How to prevent dandruff

Preventive measures include regular hair washing, reducing stress, eating healthy foods and increasing humidity inside the house. 

In addition, excessive use of hair curlers, hair sprays and gels, and frequent hair coloring should be avoided. 

These tend to irritate the scalp and may worsen dandruff.

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