Health benefits of garlic - Healthcare

Health benefits of garlic

Proven health benefits and how to use it

Fresh garlic contains active components like an amino acid called alliin and an enzyme called allinase which are very good for our healthcare.

Garlic can help reduce blood pressure through the actions of its sulfur compounds and its ability to reduce the fatty substances, such as cholesterol, found in the bloodstream. Use of garlic also can help normalize low blood pressure.

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What is Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment 

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) includes a number of different conditions, all of which affect children and all of which have immune-mediated joint inflammation as their major manifestation.

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis is also known as juvenile idiopathic arthritis or JIA.   

What is Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA)? 

In Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, the synovial membrane becomes intensely inflamed. Usually thin and delicate, the synovium becomes thick and stiff, with numerous infoldings on its surface. The membrane becomes invaded by white blood cells, which produce a variety of destructive chemicals. The cartilage along the articular surfaces of the bones may be attacked and destroyed, and the bone, articular capsule, and ligaments may begin to be worn away (eroded). These processes severely interfere with movement in the joint.

Healthcare : What is Jaundice? : Causes, symptoms, treatment and precautions for Jaundice

 Healthcare : What is Jaundice: Causes, symptoms, treatment and precautions for 

What is jaundice?

Jaundice is a disorder in which a person’s skin and the whites of the eyes are discolored yellow due to an increased level of bile pigments in the blood resulting from liver disease. Jaundice is sometimes called icterus, from a Greek word for ‘‘the condition.’’

Explanation on how Jaundice occurs

In order to comprehend jaundice, it is useful to know about the role of the liver in producing bile.

The function of the liver in connection with jaundice

The most important function of the liver is the metabolic processing of ‘‘chemical’’ waste products like cholesterol, and excreting them into the intestines as bile. The liver is the premier ‘‘chemical’’ factory in the body; most incoming and outgoing chemicals pass through it. 

It is the first stop for all nutrients, toxins, and drugs absorbed by the digestive tract. The liver also collects chemicals from the blood for processing.

Many of these outward bound chemicals are excreted into the bile. One particular substance, bilirubin, is yellow. Bilirubin is a product of the breakdown of hemoglobin, which is the protein inside red blood cells.